Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hey Everyone!

On Friday when we didn't have classes, my apartment went to the Plaza de Espana.

Then, on Saturday we went to Cordoba. It was a really great trip. I'll add pictures tomorrow when I am at school because right now i'm at an internet cafe and the connection is a little slow. We had a guided tour of the mosque/cathdral, the alcazar (a palace), and the synagoge. Cordoba is known for its silver and leather, so I bought some really cute earrings :) I'll write more tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi steph--it was great to read the blog and to see the photos that Ashley posted. It makes you seem closer to us. Hope your day at school goes well on Monday. Can't wait to hear more about the weekend. Love you and miss you.
    Love, Mom
