Thursday, January 29, 2009

mis clases en espanol

Good news, my apartment will probably have internet in 2 weeks. Hopefully i will be able to talk online with you and maybe even skype. I haven´t really missed having the internet at home becuase its nice to be away from it, but it will be nice to have it for homework, research, looking for flights and trips, and of course talking with you.

I just had my spanish classes. My first class at 9 was advanced spanish. Its like a spanish class at grove city, but definitely a lot more spanish. I also feel like the professors here relaly want you to assimilate, not just know the grammar, which makes sense considering I´m living in their culture. So that class is like an instructional one. The next class at 10:45 is a spanish civilization class. The teacher is also who i have for art and arch. I really like her. She remembered me from yesterday. It was cool because the art class is in english and this class is in spanish. So yesterday, we introduced ourselves to the class in english and today I introduced myself in spanish. I think it will be interesting because we study the history of Spain and also the different regions.

Side note to make everyone jealous, I LOVE NOT HAVING FRIDAY CLASSES!

There´s so much i want to write, but i´ll write more later.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

classes so far

Good morning to all of you since i´m posting at 12:30 and you are probably still sleeping. I just had my first class and I´m really excited for it. It was my art and architecture class. It meets on mondays and wednesdays. We learn about the art and arch in Seville from Roman times until now. We have walking tours of the city and field trips. Our first field trip is next friday to Italica. It is a town nearby with Roman ruins! I think the class will be awesome to help me understand the places i walk by everday because now I will actually be learning about them. It was definitely an answer to prayer because I woke up this morning kind of homesick for no real reason. But then, I went to class and got really excited! I have a 3 hour break now until my Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in Spain class. That sounds really interesting and I know some people in it. On tuesdays and thursdays I will be practicing a lot of spanish because the classes I have on those days are all taught in spanish!

Later I´m going shopping for school supplies and stamps (maybe i´ll send you a letter or postcard)!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i´m here!

hola amigos!
I´m here and its beautiful. the flights were long and exhausting but then we finally got to our hotel. On saturday, we had a long orientation in the hotel. I wasn´t really looking forward to it, but it was good. we learned a lot about school, activities, and culture.

Now, we´re in our apartment! ANDDDD, its awesome! when we were dropping others off at their apartments, they were in more modern, high rises, but ours is on a really quiet, little street. We´re on teh side of the river where all the historic cites are. We´re near the centro (cente). We´re only a 15 minute walk to school. Its small, but cute. we have a balcony that looks over the street and rooftop access. ashley and i share a room and the other 2 girls, Erica and Elissa, each have their own. So far, the 4 of us are getting along really well. We get a food package every 2 weeks from cea. there´s so much more than expected! the cea staff has been great and really helpful.

As of now, we don´t have internet in our apartment. The head cea director here is talking with our landlord to possibly work some kind of deal out for us to pay him for his internet or something. I don´t really know. But for now, i´ll just be at school using the internet here. Skype may be harder to do because of that, but I have a cell phone. All incoming calls are free for me! So, if you want the numero, ask mi madre.

I start classes tomorrow! And on friday, we have a day trip to the city of Cordoba.

The sun is shining, but still a little chilly. God is good!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I leave tomorrow!

Hey friends (and family),

I can't believe i'm leaving tomorrow. I'm pretty much packed and just need to finish up a few last minute things. Here's a picture of some of my friends (and sisters because we are all in the same sorority) from Grove City who are also studying abroad. Now you will know who I am talking about when I mention people. Please pray for all of us.

Bethany (left) is going to France and Megan (right) is already in Italy.

That's my roommate Ashley! She's also going to Seville, and we'll be roommates in our apartment too!

Martha (left) and Alyssa (right) are roommates at Grove City and are staying in the same home in Seville.